On July 16, I preached a sermon at my church, the first in just over a year. Now before all you non- and anti-religious readers click off, let me hasten to say I am not a minister, I am a lay preacher, and then hasten once again to add that you are not likely to ever encounter a lay preacher who is a bigger atheist than I.
But atheist is a relative term. I recently concluded the epilogue to a major rewrite of one of my early books, Seeking God, with this advice: "Just because you can’t believe in someone else’s god doesn’t mean you can’t believe in something. Go and seek your own God." I don't believe in the anthropomorphic benign puppet master deity that is the bread and butter of Abrahamic religious communities. What I do believe in is the Word of God. My definition of God is the source of the Word of God.
To me the word of God has many layers. The first layer is the quantum laws that say our Universe was inevitable and therefore it happened. The second layer is the laws of physics that guided the formation of the Big Bang and what happened thereafter to create energy, hydrogen and helium, gas clouds, stars, heavier elements, and planets. Then we have the laws of chemistry that dictated that some molecules work and some don't, and the laws of biology that dictate that some collections of chemicals live and some die.
Then it gets more complicated. The natural laws that dictate how the life forms organize themselves as individuals, schools, colonies, packs, and societies are the most complicated and difficult to understand and catalog. Daniel Quinn says that there were 100,000 different successful cultures that were successful up until 10,000 years ago. Neil deGrasse Tyson has said that cosmology is child's play compared to the human brain. He also said that cosmology is a good way to overcome the human tendency to self serving and get a broader picture of life. Joseph Campbell would say that that is one of the primary roles of mythology. The Word of God is the foundation of most religions, and disagreements on the details of the Word are the basis of most religious wars.
But what does all this have to do with process? Simply this. Most of the Word of God on how societies function is process values. And most of the problems come about when religious people forget that and focus on the content of what their scriptures tell them their god said instead of valuing the processes for living together that those words are intended to point us to.
But atheist is a relative term. I recently concluded the epilogue to a major rewrite of one of my early books, Seeking God, with this advice: "Just because you can’t believe in someone else’s god doesn’t mean you can’t believe in something. Go and seek your own God." I don't believe in the anthropomorphic benign puppet master deity that is the bread and butter of Abrahamic religious communities. What I do believe in is the Word of God. My definition of God is the source of the Word of God.
To me the word of God has many layers. The first layer is the quantum laws that say our Universe was inevitable and therefore it happened. The second layer is the laws of physics that guided the formation of the Big Bang and what happened thereafter to create energy, hydrogen and helium, gas clouds, stars, heavier elements, and planets. Then we have the laws of chemistry that dictated that some molecules work and some don't, and the laws of biology that dictate that some collections of chemicals live and some die.
Then it gets more complicated. The natural laws that dictate how the life forms organize themselves as individuals, schools, colonies, packs, and societies are the most complicated and difficult to understand and catalog. Daniel Quinn says that there were 100,000 different successful cultures that were successful up until 10,000 years ago. Neil deGrasse Tyson has said that cosmology is child's play compared to the human brain. He also said that cosmology is a good way to overcome the human tendency to self serving and get a broader picture of life. Joseph Campbell would say that that is one of the primary roles of mythology. The Word of God is the foundation of most religions, and disagreements on the details of the Word are the basis of most religious wars.
But what does all this have to do with process? Simply this. Most of the Word of God on how societies function is process values. And most of the problems come about when religious people forget that and focus on the content of what their scriptures tell them their god said instead of valuing the processes for living together that those words are intended to point us to.
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